Sunday, November 23, 2008

How the US elections have affected me

Before I begin, I have to tell you I didn't vote, ofcourse the point is I cannot vote since I am not a citizen, but I have to say this was one of the most lively elections ever with Sarah'yam' Palin and Barack 'muthu rack' Obama. (Non-tamil folks - my apologies).

It's amazing how much all those hours of flipping between CNN (biased) to Fox (fair and balanced) has influenced my life and the scary thing is, it's almost involuntary these days:
1) When I find my wife winning in an argument I become Bill O'Reilly-isque and go 'But...but...I gotta go, no...I gotta go'
2) Previous I used to set forth rules with her but now I listen to what she says with no 'pre-conditions'
3) I got upset the other day when Preetha came back home with a haircut that looked like Nancy Pelocsi. I was 'palinly' upset.
4) I've stopped pronouncing Pakisthan as 'Paekeestaen'
5) I think Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have gotten lame after the elections.
6) Hit up some of my old enemies since its not true that the notion that not talking to them is punishing them.
7) In my recent trip to India I asked 'Babu the Plumber' and 'Annamma the Spinach seller' if they were planning on running for a political position
8) Asked my Gujarati friend if his proximity to Pakisthan gave him an advantage or if he was palling around with them.

While I was immersed in US politics Dhoni was elected captain, Kumble and Ganguly retired and Suriya developed a 6 pack.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

How to prononuce Pakisthan and naturalization of accent

In Washington while waiting for our flight to Austin we sat infront of this guy who was as redneck-y as one could get and no guesses to who he was voting. The reason is Maya started uttering two syllable and ma. And somehow it did sound like Obama. I gave a grin to the guy almost wanting to say "He did get all the young folks didn't he?"

But seriously look at how Obama pronounces Pakisthan -

It reminded me of my days in college when I wasn't 'naturalized' to have the American accent yet but I did see some folks who already did.
Me: Hey where are you from?
Peter Paranthaman: Meelapourhh
Me: Pour what? Oh Mylapuraaa?

or my other talk to Girish who renamed himself as GREsh during his final year:
Me: Hi machi I have a question on our final year project
GREsh: Don't obfuscate my sanity you insouciant torpid low being.

But we've all come far haven't we? Indeed....I can understand sarcasm American believes it when I say we don't understand sarcasm.

Lets put it this way, if someone had called me pretty in India that would have taken it as a compliment but here you got to read between the words.

I am not sure why I started writing this article...