Tuesday, November 04, 2008

How to prononuce Pakisthan and naturalization of accent

In Washington while waiting for our flight to Austin we sat infront of this guy who was as redneck-y as one could get and no guesses to who he was voting. The reason is Maya started uttering two syllable words...pa and ma. And somehow it did sound like Obama. I gave a grin to the guy almost wanting to say "He did get all the young folks didn't he?"

But seriously look at how Obama pronounces Pakisthan -

It reminded me of my days in college when I wasn't 'naturalized' to have the American accent yet but I did see some folks who already did.
Me: Hey where are you from?
Peter Paranthaman: Meelapourhh
Me: Pour what? Oh Mylapuraaa?

or my other talk to Girish who renamed himself as GREsh during his final year:
Me: Hi machi I have a question on our final year project
GREsh: Don't obfuscate my sanity you insouciant torpid low being.

But we've all come far haven't we? Indeed....I can understand sarcasm now...no American believes it when I say we don't understand sarcasm.

Lets put it this way, if someone had called me pretty in India that would have taken it as a compliment but here you got to read between the words.

I am not sure why I started writing this article...


Blogger scritic said...

I have a feeling his (correct) pronunciation of Pakistan goes back to those days he spent in Indonesia ..

10:04 AM  
Blogger Harini Sridharan said...

why did you start writing this article btw? :p

11:12 PM  
Blogger Ginda said...

Wait.. did someone call you pretty in India?!

3:15 PM  
Blogger Sugavan said...

Yes!!! You got a problem with me being pretty? :)

4:54 PM  
Blogger LifeIsAGame said...

I always thought "pretty" as a compliment was only meant for girls/women.

11:07 PM  

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