Who ever said life is transient hasn't probably owned my Razor cellphone yet. That thing will choke,
drown or black out but just...wont...die!
I am almost reminded of Dharmendar of the old who'd never die and his modern day reincarnate Bruce Willis.
Or perhaps the believer of transiency should own my Swiss Army bag. The torture it has gone through has been untold. My back has warned me that I am carrying 20 lbs more than I can handle, but the bag has withstood it. I have tossed it around, hoping to lift it up and witness it cr*p out all my items because it has a hole, no Sir! It only grows stronger!
Perhaps this very computer I am typing from, whose keyboard I blow at everyday to view the letters and which smells like coffee, sambar and WD-40 all rolled into one. I lift it by the monitor around the house, like a caveman, beating his chest, hoping that when I reach sit down all I'll have is the screen in my hand. Ahh but I was wrong, the laptop seems to last longer on it's charges and beating it around only seems to make it process faster!
All things in life are temporary? Yeah right!