Thursday, March 22, 2007

Time is cyclic...?

From one of my emails I had sent...

Think about it…the world is going to end in 5 years…we aren’t god’s children, we are lab mice put on this planet by some higher force (NOT GOD!) for it’s amusement to see how we interact with one another…probably an inter-galactic reality show…
When our race gets wiped out off the face of this earth or is on the brink of it, every petty thing we ever worried about will nag us…
Everyone who performed ‘homams’ and ‘mantras’ and did good will die and realize that there isn’t a heaven or hell…when they die they just die…
300,000 people wiped out by the tsunami, were they chosen ones? Were they all criminals? Were they all bad? Babies, children, orphans…sure! I am telling you when doom hits us, it will see no difference between you and me…

The moral of the story is…enjoy your brief stay here


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