Thursday, March 22, 2007

Funny things happen to me...

I probably shared these incidents with everyone I know but I thought I'd mention it here:
A few Years ago:
My first few days in Arizona State University and I attended the Institute of Industrial Engineers meet up. Now they had something called 'pepperoni' pizza. Now we dont have pepperoni in India and my deduction was it was peppered onions. I look at it and those red circular discs looked more like sun dried tomatoes to me. So I pick up my slice and sit between this hot brazilian girl known only as 'Oreo' and my friend. I take a bite of it and it tasted weird. I just shrugged and took a bigger bite. My friend was giggling in the middle of the meeting and whispered "Hey dude, that's pork". I turned pale and spat the contents on my plate. The girl next to me jumped up. I grabbed the minute maid from her hand stood up and gulped it all down, most of the drink falling all over my shirt. The meeting came to a grinding halt while I ran out of the room to throw up.
A couple of semesters later I was the Vice-President of that very organization...the irony!

Some Morning:
I checked on the new 'organic' bananas that I had bought. It's been a week now and they haven't turned yellow yet.

That Evening:
Today I was ready to wrap up work and go home, so I started closing all applications on my laptop. 5 minutes later I realized that I had forgotten that I supposed to leave. I was just sitting there for 5 minutes staring at my monitor.
2 cups of tall coffee, 1 cup of non fat extra hot latte, 1 tazo chai and 1 red bull could do that to you...

Later that night...
I come back home and check on the bananas again. It's then that sudden feeling hits me...
They ARE green bananas!! I have decided to finish one in the morning, two for lunch and one before I go to bed. They are ripe and tasty now :)


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