Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Apocalypto - The movie

Deepthi's little review of the movie Life is beautiful though short, is pretty sweet. I was reminded of the movie Apocalypto which talks of fictious events that happened at the juncture of the Mayan civilization demise and invasion of the Spaniards.
There is a scene where the father is being held at knife point, infront of his son Jaguar Paw. He says "Do not fear" in Mayan dialect and gives him a smile and holds back the horror on his face lest his son gets discouraged, while his throat is being slashed.
The tribe is enslaved taken to a place where the women are raped and enslaved while the men are sacrificed on top of the Chichen Itza pyramid where their heads are made to roll to appease the Sun god.
Jaguar Paw (The Jaguar is an animal that is used to symbolize anything associated with the Mayan underworld Xibalba) fulfils his destiny by bringing to an end the destruction of the enemy tribe (I can't remember the name).
Call Mel Gibson all you want, but he has the talent!

My favorite author is Steve Alten and I've read his books Domain and it's sequel Resurrection, the former talking about the end of the world on on the Mayan calendar or Dec 21th 2012. The Mayas believe (and I have begun to believe this too) that time is cyclic. So our earth has been destroyed before and so will it be now and it will happen again. I have typed this article infinite times and will continue to do it through eternity. The second book talks of the aftermath and the battle of good vs. evil.

The beauty of it is that end of the second book ends somewhere in the future that cycles back to what happened 65, 000 years ago.

The intriguing thing about the Mayan civilization and I can't say enough, is that they were completely misunderstood or atleast that is what the theorists say. Mayans were cannibals is what History points to, but infact they were brilliant mathematicians and astronomers who built the pyramids based on the propotion and ratio of orion's belt.

Apparently they turned to cannibalism to avoid an impeding holocaust, I am going to assume the barbaric invasion of the foreigners or they could have brought about the end to avoid their civilization's existence through December 21th 2012.

When I get the time I will do a thorough research about this date and present it in a manner that is interesting to read.



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