Thursday, June 21, 2007

People on a plane

I travel frequently and I come across all kinds of people. Here I will try to classify them and give you tips and tricks on how to make your flight an enjoyable one (From worst to best)
1) The over-sized wind blower: Yep, you can consider yourself unlucky if you get stuck with one of these. When they aren't farting they are snoring, breathing heavily or sweating.
Tip: None really
2) The talkative granny: Ahhh, sit on your seat, watch all the passengers walk in, see this stunning blonde who looks at you smiles at you. You pray that she sits next to you. She walks right past you goes and sits with this dork in the seat behind you, and walking right behind her is a 80 yr old granny who comes and sits right next to you. 3 hours of 'How are you sonny', 'How old are you?', ' I reached puberty before you were born'
Tip: When you see one of these just put on your ipod and dont ever remove them off your ears. There are cases when she will tap your hand and still want to talk to you. Well just pretend to fall asleep. If all else fails just endure it through the rest of the flight.
3) The religious/ business guy: They usually will begin talking to you with a smile and are confident and go 'Hi my name is Tom, your cologne smells great by the way'. And after a few lines of talk they get right into the middle of the talk whether it be the lord that is here to save us, or the great opportunity that I should not miss.
Tip: I've tried everything believe me...nothing works, just ask to be re-seated :D
4) The sleeper: Not as annoying when they are awake, these guys spread their legs out far wide so that it touches your leg and they fall side to side and keep hitting your shoulders only to reload and fire again.
Tip: Get to the seat first and relax your leg out first, that way the person will keep his legs within his seat. The arm rest is crucial, take it and you win! :)


Blogger Preetha@Indeed said...

I really enjoyed reading this. Very funny descriptions and tips.

2:07 PM  

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