Thursday, August 09, 2007

Battle at Kruger

There will be a million posts on several blogs in a few days about what I'll call 'arguably the most inspiring video footage ever'.

In short, a herd of buffaloes walk in a single line formation, with the male leading the pack. He is strolling and realizes to his horror that a pack of hungry lions are waiting to ambush his calf.
The lions manage to chase the few buffaloes and pounce on the calf. They loose balance and fall into a lake nearby. As they drag it outside a couple of crocodiles pounce on the calf from behind and a tug of war ensues in which the lions win. The pull the calf out and are busy gathering around for a feast.

What happens next will probably send a chill up everyone's spine. The entire herd of buffaloes come prepared in 'war' formation. You can actually see the lions stare at the herd with a bewildered look on their face. The lions don't attack the calf any further, probably as a key to escape. (I guess if they killed the calf it could mean definite death).

The highlight is when the calf walks back into the herd and one of the buffaloes (probably the dad) nudges it in. I am concerned about the calf because it was bitten by the lions and the croc which might be infectious!

For one I realized, Buffaloes ain't as dumb or timid as they look. At least not that herd!

In my lifetime I never thought I would see a buffalo chase a lion! And who said animals can't communicate? Look at the way the entire herd marched together in unison. I doubt if human beings would do that for one another!
We sit in cubicles while the real action is out the wild.


Blogger Harini Sridharan said...

>> We sit in cubicles while the real action is out the wild.
That I totally totally agree with :)

5:08 PM  

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