are we hypocrites?
we think one but say another...we rehearse something but act out another...we want one but ask for something else...we pretend to be nice when in fact we're devils within and preach all goodness to others...we hate our jobs we do but put up a smile when asked so...we pray to our gods and goddesses and yet culture and cultivate the monster within us that will come out and devour us one day...
is that hypocrisy?
is that hypocrisy?
Every human being without exception is a hypocrite. Anyone who claims not to be is absolutely deillusional in la-la land, or just plain lying!
Conciously or sub conciously every human being is hypocritical and judgemental. It's not a voluntary action anymore. It might be at different magnitudes and harmless but still its in everyone.
Try and get your hands on the lastest TIME magazine, VERY interesting article about how every human being GOOD and EVIL in them, we are genetically coded that way. But as some people like to believe ' Its the way the lord made us'
very true! I bet baba (the one living now) isn't :P lolz
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